STD test
Gonorrhoea and chlamydia lab test
The sell: Both kits are simple to use and give incredibly accurate results. Simply put a urine sample in the tube provided and insert into the special packaging for immediate return to the laboratory. Results can be e-mailed/phoned or posted within three days of the test being received.
Patient says: Anyone who has been in a sexual relationship owes it to themselves to go and get tested. The test took away the embarrassment factor of bumping into someone you know at the clap clinic. The test was easy to do, all you needed was to pee in a tube and send it off for testing. Three weeks later you know if you are in the clear.
The sell: Both kits are simple to use and give incredibly accurate results. Simply put a urine sample in the tube provided and insert into the special packaging for immediate return to the laboratory. Results can be e-mailed/phoned or posted within three days of the test being received.
Patient says: Anyone who has been in a sexual relationship owes it to themselves to go and get tested. The test took away the embarrassment factor of bumping into someone you know at the clap clinic. The test was easy to do, all you needed was to pee in a tube and send it off for testing. Three weeks later you know if you are in the clear.