Video: Men try out s*x toys for the first time. And it's hilarious. 18+

Tuesdays are typically a bit… meh. So, what better way to start yours off than by watching a video of men giving their verdict on male s*x gadgets? Exactly.
A hilarious new BuzzFeed video has introduced a group of guys to a handful of products, including the Cobra Libre II, Autoblow 2 Oral S*x Robot and Fleshlights.
And their insights are both priceless and interesting, especially when it comes to thinking about the stigma of boys using toys.
The lads start off sceptical – like c’mon, why would a man even need one of these?

‘I’m pretty happy with masturbating,’ says one, while another reveals ‘I can bump into a table and have an orgasm’. Plus, there’s ‘This is like my fantasy of being with Mystique from the X-Men… except for she's not there and I'm putting my penis in a cup.
That’s why their reactions after 24 hours and a session with their goodies are so brilliant – a mixture of shock, amazement and an acknowledgement that yep, these toys could also be pretty great for a couple.
Sure, some of the men are less convinced but that’s the way with us girls, too. After all, not everyone's a sex toy fan and one type doesn’t necessarily, erm… fit all. But that doesn’t mean it’s not fun to try, right?
And FYI, the products tested are available to buy in the UK – just in case you’ve still got his present to buy. Winky face.

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