18+ 5 sex moves she's never tried.Play safe

There are better ways to break a sweat than squats.  source MH has identified the most effective sex positions to maximise her pleasure while giving you a tough full-body workout in the process. Now all you need is a training partner

Upward-Facing Dog

Muscles Worked: Glutes, hip flexors, abs
Gym Equivalent: Leg lift
Why? It’s like yoga, but much more fun – receive the enlightenment of extra stimulation.
How? Start in the traditional ‘doggie’ position, then drop your hips back until kneeling with your legs in a V shape, your bum on the backs of your heels. She sits back on your lap with her feet making contact with your balls. Now rock happily to orgasm

The Farmer's Hold

Muscles Worked: Triceps, lats, lower back
Gym Equivalent: Deadlift
Why? Take the strain and both of you will benefit from the rush.
How? Stand with your back against the wall. Ask her to climb onto you and support her back while she ‘kneels’ against the wall, then tips over backwards and supports herself with her hands on the floor. She’ll enjoy the high of the blood rushing to her head; you can enjoy a strong-man power trip.

The Control Pad

Muscles Worked: Glutes, hamstrings, forearms
Gym Equivalent: Stablity ball leg-curl
Why? This makes good use of the co-ordination you’ve honed through years of gaming.
How? Lie on your side behind her, pull her hips against your groin. Slip her top leg over your hip, drawing it slightly back and begin to thrust. Now comes the dexterity. Combo stroking her clitoris, massaging her breasts, and kissing her neck for multiplier bonus points. Pinch her nipples to reach the high-score board

The Jellyfish

Muscles Worked: Biceps, hip flexors
Gym Equivalent: Seated row

Why? Extreme depth and satisfying ‘closeness’.
How? Kneel down as she crouches on top, facing you. With your arms wrapped around each other for support, work up a pulsing motion, moving apart and together in unison, like a jellyfish. This angle allows for surprising depth of penetration. And by ‘closeness’, we mean that her boobs will rub against your chest.


Muscles Worked: Core, glutes
Gym Equivalent: Kettlebell swing
Why? It makes locating the G-spot blissfully straightforward.
How? Whether you need directions or not, it is worth turning on. Place her on a counter and stand facing her with your arms around her lower back. With her hands on your shoulders, she raises her legs and props them on your shoulders. Talking in an amusing accent is discouraged

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